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Senior High study options
German students finish their middle highschool year at Year 10 (F.4) and prepare for University entrance exam. At this stage they are allow to choose study path which suits them, either focusing on Abitur curriculum (German A-level) or IB curriculum, an international English program.
German student starts their preparation for Abitur from Year 11 (F.5) for 2 years, therefore German boarding school seldom take in new student at Year 12. Students who finish F.5 in Hong Kong usually repeat Year 11 in the German boarding school or, if of excellent grade, admit to Year 12.

Abitur Curriculum

International Baccalaureate
JAN Universities
Summer Semester
admission closes
FEB 2017/2018 Secondary
School admission
MAR 2017 Winter Semester starts
APR 2017 University
Winter Semester
admission starts
JUL 12 DSE result release
JUL 2017 University
Winter Semester
admission closes
SEP 2017/2018 Secondary
School starts
OCT University Winter
Semester starts
DEC 2018 University
Summer Semester
admission starts
Important Dates
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